Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Click the light bulbs from left to right, then click on the "WEAR A HARD HAT" sign. You will see a ninja sign appear.

Monday, November 10, 2008


New DS game for cp!


They have dug up the dojo!Now we know what it looks like!The best nanja occasion is that on the inside they will teach everyone to be ninjas!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


This dude could be a ninja.I got one theory, and only one theory from another cheat sit, clubpenguingang.com this guy could be a sensai to start training ninjas.He could be the one who has been apearing in the windows!


Ninja hint in newspaper!Weird!

If you go to page a2 of the newspaper and click on these five letters in this order, N-I-N-J-A a page will pop up that reads fire, water, snow the triangle of power your journeys first step.I've got three theorys.1.The past three missions there has been a cage that has three buttons.Water, Snow, and Fire!It might have something to do with the agents!2.The cove has water, snow, and fire!3.This may be my best theory is, the beach has water the cove has fire and the snowforts has more snow than anywhere!If you connect those three places on the map it makes a triangle!